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Category Archives: Burglary, Theft & Vandalism


Penalties for Setting a Car on Fire in Fort Myers

By Foley & Wilson |

People may set cars on fire in Fort Myers for various reasons. Some may do so while participating in political protests, while others may carry out these acts due to poor judgment. Still others may face arson allegations for purely accidental incidents. Vehicles are very flammable due to their fuel tanks – and innocent… Read More »

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How Can Prosecutors Prove You “Tagged” a Building in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

Graffiti is perhaps the most common form of vandalism in Fort Myers, although many disagree with this label. To the artists behind graffiti, they are legitimate artists exercising their freedom of expression – not vandals. Unfortunately, authorities and prosecutors in Fort Myers don’t quite see graffiti in the same light – and you face… Read More »

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When Is Borrowing Theft in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

People have been borrowing things from each other since the dawn of civilization, and some of the earliest documented legal disputes involved farmers leasing animals to each other. Today, many people in Florida borrow things from each other all the time. Perhaps you realized that you borrowed something from someone and never had a… Read More »

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What Might Lead to Heightened Burglary Penalties in Fort Myers?

By Foley & Wilson |

Burglary is bad enough on its own, but there are several “aggravating factors” that can make this situation much worse. If your situation involves these factors, you should take your charges very seriously. One of the best ways to accomplish this goal is to consult with a qualified, experienced burglary defense attorney in Fort… Read More »

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Police Hunt for Beer Thieves in Fort Myers

By Foley & Wilson |

Theft of alcohol is relatively common in Fort Myers. Each year, numerous reports highlight incidents involving the theft of beer, wine, and liquor across the city. In some cases, the value of the stolen alcohol is worth thousands of dollars. A recent case involves the theft of beer, and these alleged thieves are currently… Read More »

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Penalties for Mail Theft in Florida

By Foley & Wilson |

With the rise of online shopping, mail theft is becoming especially common throughout Florida. The incentive to steal parcels, mail, and even entire delivery trucks becomes even higher during the holiday season – when Floridians ship more high-value mail than at any other time. Defendants should be aware of the penalties for these offenses,… Read More »

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Grand Theft

By Foley & Wilson |

Grand theft can occur in all kinds of situations. One of the more unusual cases to hit Florida recently involved a Canadian native who experienced a bit of delusional thinking at a Florida airport. After claiming to be a pilot, trailing an employee with a cleaning cart, and removing his pants, he absconded with a luggage… Read More »

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