Examples of Probation Violations in Fort Myers

Although many defendants are thankful to receive probation in Florida, it is all too easy to squander this opportunity. A probation violation is a very serious matter, as it could put you behind bars. For many defendants, probation allows them to escape incarceration from the very beginning – never setting foot in a jail or prison cell. But this can change in a heartbeat. Probation is so easy to violate, in fact, that many defendants do so unwittingly. If you are struggling with this issue, you may wish to get in touch with a Fort Myers criminal defense attorney at your earliest convenience.
Not Getting a Job
The conditions of each probation are different, but many defendants face mandatory employment requirements after release. It is your responsibility to gain employment in many cases. If you are already employed, you may need to maintain your employment to meet the conditions of your probation. If you are fired due to factors beyond your control, you may still meet the conditions of your probation if you immediately seek and gain new employment.
Hanging Out with the Wrong Crowd
If you have certain associates or friends who are clearly involved in criminal activities, you may need to avoid all contact to meet the requirements of your probation. Although it might be tempting to check in with these acquaintances, it is best to steer clear. If they are truly your friends, they will understand your need to meet the conditions of your probation.
Committing New Crimes
Perhaps the most obvious way to violate your probation is by committing new crimes. Those on probation should be on their “best behavior,” and this means avoiding even the most minor offenses. This might include not only obvious, intentional crimes, but also accidental offenses – such as a DWI.
Leaving the State
You should know that the authorities are keeping a close eye on you while you’re on probation. Any attempt to leave the State will be viewed with suspicion, and it will likely constitute a violation of your probation.
Failing Drug Tests
You may be subjected to drug tests during probation, especially if your offense was drug-related. It is important to resist the urge to take drugs during this process, as it could easily put you back behind bars.
Missing Curfew
Some people face curfews during probation, and others are placed under house arrest. It is important to adhere to these rules – even if staying home becomes very boring.
Failing to Complete Classes or Community Service
You may be ordered to complete various classes or programs during your probation. These might include drug rehab programs, drunk driving classes, domestic violence programs, and so on. You might also be ordered to complete community service. It is very important to attend these appointments.
Find a Qualified Probation Defense Attorney in Fort Myers
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced probation defense attorney in Florida, look no further than Foley & Wilson. With our assistance, you can address your alleged probation violation in a confident manner. The right strategy can help you steer clear of incarceration and avoid consequences associated with probation violations. Book your consultation today to get started with an effective action plan.